No-Added-Sugar Quick Blueberry Jam

The summer may be coming to a close, but our family is loving the onslaught of in-season blueberries and peaches right now. Enjoying fresh blueberries by generous handfuls really makes you appreciate more deeply the joys of summer! But summer needn’t end when these blueberries and peaches become less readily available. Buy those blueberries in […]

Cranberry Apple Energy Snack Bars

Here’s a quick to make winning ‘snack attack’ plant-based recipe to whip up as an easy but tasty afternoon snack or morning breakfast energy bar for yourself or the family. You can make these Cranberry Apple Energy Snack Bars for trips, camping, hiking, outdoor activities like a picnic lunch or relaxing day at the park, and for […]

Does It Matter What I Eat On a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet?

Yes! Let me explain. A vegan diet is one that excludes all forms of animal-based products from one’s diet. However, it is entirely possible to be on a vegan diet and still not have a very nutritious overall diet. For example, such a person could eat no animal products but still have a substantial portion […]

Do Different Brands of Baby Cereal Provide the Same Nutrition?

Although there are some similarities, there appears to be more differences between different brands of baby cereal products, even between different brand products of the same type of cereal.  How so? Read on. Generally all infant cereals are fortified in certain nutrients such as iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Baby cereal products also contain (per serving) […]

Yummy Vegan Raspberry Coconut Pancakes

When I woke up on the morning of New Year’s day, I had a sudden craving for pancakes and a desire to try a new recipe. This particular combination doesn’t usually happen. So I searched online for a recipe to try and came across the Vegan Pancakes recipe by Nicdelis on It looked like a simple […]

Besides Calcium, Are There Other Nutrients Important for Bones?

Absolutely!! Calcium and (to a lesser extent) vitamin D, have both long been in the media spotlight in years past for their role in bone health. However, your body needs MUCH more than just calcium and vitamin D to make and maintain healthy bones. Bone modeling and mineralization is a complex metabolically active process – one that […]